2 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-04-09 21:53 ID:Heaven

Pop tarts: diabeetus.
Chips: fat.

I would not choose those two unless you have a really good genetic disposition against fatness and type II diabetes.

Good cheap'n'easy healthy foods include microwaveable veggie burgers (and microwaveable vegetarian stuff in general is a safe choice), tuna sandwiches, soups, home-made burritos/tacos cooked in the microwave(tortilla, beans, cheese, olives, microwaveable rice, peppers, you get the idea), cereal (stuff like grape nuts, unfrosted mini-wheats, corn flakes, make sure there's no high fructose corn syrup), eggs (can scramble them in the microwave, look online), kosher low-fat hot dogs when they're on sale, and of course as you mentioned noodles and pasta meal in a box foods like hamburger helper, macaroni.

Hope this helps.

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