ITT We talk about whatever game we feel like talkin about (217)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-14 15:46 ID:sbn6zXDe

Just talk about whatever game you're playin, want to play, want to buy, what you just bought - whatever.

Just a nice, lazy places to spout random crap about games.

162 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-02-20 19:24 ID:Heaven

yakuza reincarnation is surprisingly good.
I think I realized one thing about isekai, it is probably to make stories culture neutral, to make export of stories easier. Few culture references that foreigners just wouldn't get.

163 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-03-02 02:15 ID:cecrrpE2

I've got a copy of that Shadow of the Colossus remake on PS4 sitting on my desk and its been begging me to play it. I really oughta make time for it

164 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-03-03 09:26 ID:WGnmDLoC

I got to play some games with a few people on my emulators through netplay today. It was pretty fun.

165 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-03-05 00:42 ID:n2KqBJ+K

Hosting is dirt cheap and I guarantee they do more than break even with their shitty donations and banner ads.

166 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-03-05 20:32 ID:E1Qo3dEV

Got the new Metroid prime remaster, the dual analog is awkward and it looks much, much darker, but overall it's fun to replay Metroid Prime again, almost fresh after about half a decade when I last played it (Prime trilogy on Wii U). It almost is like when I first played it in 2004.

167 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-04-16 05:13 ID:ygR7dXC/

Really, really suck at stealth games. This is what I get for being impatient.

168 Name: vc:naping : 2023-04-17 10:39 ID:Ofkw6Dtx

Raging Loop has been fun so far, interesting werewolf-inspired visual novel with elements of zero escape, when they cry... I'm a little worried it's about to jump the shark though, but here's hoping it rides the wave out.

169 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-04-22 10:57 ID:ye3nsqXA

I got a couple of shitty PS1 football games last week, “Football Madness” and “European Super League”. Football Madness could be pretty fun if it wasn't so clunky, it's rare to find fun arcadey football games with power-ups and stuff.

170 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-04-29 07:50 ID:YnBJ9p6k

i never managed to actually get into mugen. it looks really fun but the jank puts me off too much

171 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-05-21 04:14 ID:IptwhOsz

God damn Resident Evil 4 is salve for the soul. Whenever I feel like shit I just boot it up and I'm always having fun.

172 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-06-04 12:48 ID:o3Tp/eK9

I hope you're not talking about the reboot.

173 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-06-16 10:35 ID:ye3nsqXA

Someone at work was talking about some new Warhammer kart racer or something called SPEED FREEKS or something, and it reminded me of the PS1 kart racer SPEED FREAKS, which I had the demo of. I remember it got a good score in the PS magazine so I thought I'd pick it up. I also got the demo it was on, disc 49, which also features the pre-release demo of THPS1, Um Jammer Lammy, and EVIL ZONE which I am currently trying to get a hold of! It also has a pretty fun Net Yaroze game, a multiplayer tank battle game.

Like a lot of PS1 games I buy for nostalgic reasons, Speed Freaks wasn't as good as I remember. The demo of THPS was interesting though; recently I've been playing the 1+2 remake, so it's weird going back to before it began, the camera and the controls are really bad!

174 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-06-21 01:07 ID:RyXDJJ21

The original Resident Evil 4 was a mistake. It’s not a real survival horror, the story sucks, Ashley sucks, and Leon is suddenly blonde now. The remake could have been an opportunity to give us the static camera, 4 item inventory and tank controls we deserved but no…..

175 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-06-29 09:50 ID:Qv+rzPR2

just finished sega's mario galaxy bootleg (sonic lost world) and i am never touching that game again

176 Name: >>169 : 2023-07-04 13:45 ID:tREZzWea

After talking about arcadey football games with power-ups earlier, I came across a Lego football game for PS2 I'd never heard of called Football Mania. It's actually really fun! It's lego, but there's no building aspect, just the players are lego men.

It has a simple shooting system with aftertouch controls, so it's fun curving shots in or chipping the goalie from the halfway line and stuff. One of the power-ups turns the ball into a rocket that aims for the goal, so you can chip it up in your own half and rocket in above the goalie.

The story mode is kinda mad, it's just a football game but the story has you chasing a guy who stole the trophy, and he escapes into space so you need to beat teams to get the parts for your own spaceship, eventually playing on Mars. The teams are themed lego men like cowboys and skeletons and aliens and pirates. It has various pitches of different shapes and sizes. It also has a normal Lego Cup mode with a range of national teams, and some minigames where you can unlock special players.

It was a fiver!

177 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-07-09 21:28 ID:Heaven

I don't have a rant, just that I'm dogshit at shmups and trying to get better. Ikaruga is where I'm starting.

178 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-07-14 09:18 ID:Heaven

Playing gacha trash, Limbus Company, because I really enjoyed Project Moon's other games. Can't believe it's come to this.

179 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-07-14 09:19 ID:Heaven

>>175 this game fucking sucks dick, I tried to 100% it back in 2018 and having to replay those boring ass levels sent me into a spiralling depression

180 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-08-06 14:52 ID:z+cPoOv9

Replaying the Oracles games, I remember why I never finished them. Oracle of Seasons is fine, up until you very easily sequence break in the middle of the game and everything starts getting incredibly tedious. And that tedium is even worse in Ages. I hate that I feel like I should have started Ages first to have Seasons be my Linked Game.

181 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-08-09 04:19 ID:V0kO4FS8

I 100%'d Lost World when it came out on Wii U, and while it sucked to get through, I had fond memories of it. Recently hacked my 3DS and tried to play that version because I'd always wanted to and nearly immediately physically recoiled. The 3D is not helpful at all and the field of view is just really bad. Want to replay the main game on PC just to have a sanic on the computer but it's so obviously not worth it.

182 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-08-13 10:52 ID:Il5oZzS4

I also hacked my 3DS recently and I was playing Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood at the weekend. I recently played a Zelda game I can't remember the name of on it as well. I don't really like the movement control on either of them, touching with the stylus in the direction you want to move.

183 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-08-28 01:45 ID:5sH6DVCv

I finally decided to try call of duty. It sucks. I regret wasting the 18 minutes it took to emulate this trash. Why did anyone like this?

184 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-08-30 08:59 ID:pwA95WHH

Half-Life 2 hadn't come out so standards for FPS were real low. I think most people were flabbergasted that it had something resembling a storyline and AI allies that weren't 100% dead weight.

Some gamers also had a complex about vidya games being widely rejected as Real Art at the time, and a game depicting a "realistic" "cinematic" "war story" seemed like a step in the direction of being accepted by the cultural elite.

185 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-10-10 02:29 ID:aXmryj3+

POSTAL 4 could have easily made the trans army the new Taliban(as in they are literally everywhere if you look hard enough) and the fact that they only stuck with the bog-standard SJW joke feels lazy to me; for a Postal game that's saying something.

186 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-11-14 02:32 ID:MBmNb2i+

I really hate the boss fights in Silent Hill 2. They all feel too easy and you really don't have to think much about it. As long as you saved up enough ammo and health drinks you'll beat them easy. The whole fight with Eddie felt dumb as shit.

187 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-11-28 08:15 ID:/X6a+F3z

SH2 is generally too easy.

188 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-10 02:42 ID:aXmryj3+

Undertale Yellow finally came out. It feels more and more like each major character was made to be the intentionally defective version of their Undertale counterpart, though I only just reached the Dunes.

Fuck Dunebud. Burn in hell Dunebud. I have no idea how to spare Dunebud.

189 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-12 04:14 ID:aXmryj3+

I have no excuses to not play FortressOne right now, I just burnt out of arena FPS altogether and would rather not put the effort into improving so I'll self-sabotage by not practicing at all.

190 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-17 23:55 ID:Il5oZzS4

Today I got GENSOU SkyDrift in the PSN sale, it's a touhou racing game. It's really fun! The tracks are really cool.

191 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-01-16 19:16 ID:Rt1jspOI

Are there any Punch-Out likes that've come out recently? I'm tired of replaying the Big Boy Boxing demo.

192 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-01-23 17:20 ID:+R+kV//u

EA used to make the Fight Night series but since then there haven't been any boxing games. Just UFC ones.

193 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-01-24 01:44 ID:Rt1jspOI

I'm not looking for a realistic boxing game, just one specifically in Punch-Out's style. There was one on the GBA I know about, but I'm too lazy to emulate it so looking for other options first.

194 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-01-28 11:32 ID:0BjPZuzo

>>193 Not recent but I liked the Ready To Rumble Boxing games on PS1. The boxing minigame in Ape Escape 1 was fun as well

195 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-01-29 14:50 ID:SDBLBfZE

I got this on PC last year but wasn't really feeling it. I'm sure it's great with friends.

196 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-10 23:46 ID:sxvjsVtp

Which games have good gunplay?
I like to go BANG



197 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-15 09:48 ID:0BjPZuzo

>>193 Animal Boxing on the DS

198 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-21 02:33 ID:+R+kV//u

I found this again after a few years. It was released by Al-Qaeda's media arm as a sort of fuck you to the original, where you invade Iraq and shoot up Saddam. I remember the media covering this when it came out. Nothing really good to say about it other than the soundtrack having some quality Arabic verse and the ability to wipe out Bush. Its surreal how that guy has been rehabilitated by the mainstream media.

199 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-21 09:04 ID:MlJ2ek4h

Thinking about playing a few PS2 games today.

200 Post deleted.

201 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-28 16:39 ID:E30/ANhR

MGS 1 feels overrated. Don't get me wrong its a great game but whole sections of it are just rehashed from Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake. The chase sequence at the end, the ninja boss, female love interest etc. Meryl is just a rehash of Holly and Otacon is Dr. Madner. Then you realize Kojima does this with a lot of his games. They all have a situtation where your captured and have to endure a button mashing torture sequence that will give you arthritis. They all have a scenario where you have to save a guy who's captured and knows a bit of the big dark secret but never enough and also happens to be on the other side and in disguise. There's always a diguised female helper (Holly, Gustava, Meryl, Eva) whose cover gets blown and a an ally/friend Snake knows from way back ends up betraying him (Miller/Liquid, Campbell in MGS2, The Boss etc). When will we stop heaping praise on this man for reheating the same damn story multiple times?

202 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-28 21:26 ID:0BjPZuzo

>>201 I always took that as a deliberate idea of history repeating itself, the same events playing out in different contexts with different participants, as time spirals out. Each iteration has certain roles taken on by different characters, as you say - I always felt we were supposed to notice that events repeat themselves in each game, and the characters dutifully taking on their roles mostly don't realise their position in the bigger picture. There is an overarching story of the "deep state" Patriots orchestrating the events that unfold, each character playing their part. Snake and Otacon think they're stalking the Patriots, then find out they behaved exactly as the Patriots predicted they would when they lured them in. Raiden takes his mission seriously, but it's made obvious to the player that it is a simulation based on Snake's previous missions, and he is a puppet playing his part.

It makes me think of in the Bible how Judas betrayed Jesus for seemingly selfish reasons, but he was just playing the part he had to play for Jesus to be arrested and executed, in the divine plan to save humanity... or in the Bhagavad Gita when Krishna tells Arjuna that all humans are born to play the part He intended for them in his grand plan.

There was something else in the Japanese version which to me suggested the repitition of ideas and characters was deliberate. Certain characters are voiced by the same voice actress, which isn't the case in the English version, but my memory is a bit fuzzy on which ones...

203 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-29 00:48 ID:xtxHKKii

Kojima just likes recycling scenes. Now that I think of it a lot of games from that era were the same. The first three Resident Evil games share virtually identical sequences too. Like the way all Star Wars movies have signiature set pieces. The real problem is how messy and convoluted the plot becomes. I took it as the Rashomon effect and postmodern hyperreality. Since the story is always revealed through different characters explanations and monologues, they are all just explaining their own subjective point of view and interpretation of what they think is really happening instead of objective reality. They are all more or less unreliable narrators.

But MGS4 is where things go wrong because it contradicts all the previous games on factual grounds. Solid Snake was killed off at the end of the tanker scenario in MGS2 and all the characters Raiden meets are revealed to be a simulation. But suddenly in MGS4 they're all back again and all of them are real and they're all related to people from MGS3. That one game just screws up the entire lore of the series.

I always thought the Patriots were basically a placeholder for the US shadow empire (the way Godzilla was used to represent nukes) and its schemes to manipulate and control the world rather than a Godlike entity that controls everything. Its more like samurai movies where there's this overarching idea of fate and humans (even powerful groups like the Patriots) are all foolish creatures playing games of power with each other that are doomed to fail while Heaven or Buddha silently watch. The only good guys are noble samurai regardless of whose side they are on.

204 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-06 18:09 ID:0BjPZuzo


>Solid Snake was killed off at the end of the tanker scenario in MGS2

I thought he survived, he's Pliskin in the Plant chapter? Which is a simulation, in the sense that a fire drill is a simulation, it's not just virtual reality. The characters he meets are simulations of the real ones we meet in MGS4? I really liked that about the MGS series, it makes you re-evaluate what you thought were “factual grounds”, and story is often told through the characters' own subjective interpretations.

205 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-07 01:53 ID:a8QMKwJ1

At the end of the tanker chapter. Ocelot/Ray tears up the the tanker hold and sinks it. Snake was in the hold as it went down and made it to the surface but he couldn't have survived. Huge tankers that displace thousands of tons kill sailors by dragging them down as they sink. As they go under, water is sucked into the empty spaces of the ship dragging down anything nearby. Even the strongest swimmers can't resist those forces. Theres also Otacon screaming at the end. Snake couldn't have survived. Remember, the Plant chapter is a simulation. The Snake in the Plant sequence could just be simulated.

>The characters he meets are simulations of the real ones we meet in MGS4?
I don't see why they'd do that though. It would make sense to simulate Snake because in previous Metal Gear games, Snake has always been helped by a mysterious insider whose legendary identity is revealed at the end. Raiden looks up to him the way Snake looked up to Big Boss/Grey Fox. There isn't really a reason to simulate anyone else. If Solidus or Vamp were real people and the whole thing is a training exercise, what happens if Raiden runs into them IRL? If Snake really died during the tanker incident than it wouldn't be a problem. There's no chance of Raiden meeting him outside the simulation and freaking out. But if Solidus is a real person and he's really the President then that would make Raiden dangerous to his own.

> I really liked that about the MGS series, it makes you re-evaluate what you thought were “factual grounds”, and story is often told through the characters' own subjective interpretations.
MGS4 kinda does away with that. It gives you answers. There is a big master narrative that explains everything. Character arcs are resolved and there are clear conclusions and endings. Its a lot more traditional whereas the first three games were more postmodernist. They don't give you clear answers, everything is subjective, there are no simple fairytale endings, and its all left up to the player.

206 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-08 01:16 ID:0BjPZuzo

>he couldn't have survived. Huge tankers that displace thousands of tons kill sailors by dragging them down as they sink.

He's Solid Snake! He's built different! I believe he did, and he was Pliskin.

The tanker really sank, and Big Shell was really built around it. The events and participants there were planned by the Patriots to recreate Shadow Moses, not so much as a training exercise for Raiden but to test the S3 plan, and how an individual can be manipulated with misinformation. This is done to Raiden and the player (even before the game was released, like how all the previews hyped up the return of Solid Snake, then it turns out he's a side character you only play as for a couple of hours). I think there's ambiguity around the word “simulation”, it's a simulation in the sense that it's staged, like how police might train in a simulated terror attack - not a computer simulation.

>>The characters he meets are simulations of the real ones we meet in MGS4?

My bad I was referring to the Colonel and Rose... they are AI chatbot versions of the versions we meet in MGS1 and 4. But Solidus, Vamp, Emma etc. are real and playing their part in the simulation. Remember Solidus raised Raiden as a child soldier and later orchestrated the events of MGS1 (getting Ocelot to convince Liquid to highjack REX). Raiden and Vamp are the same as the ones in MGS4, and Solidus's real body was recovered to rebuild Big Boss.
These Rose and Colonel chatbots predicted what we see today with AI chatbot versions of famous figures from through the ages. If the S3 plan (as Ocelot understood it) was to refine the perfect soldier like Solid Snake, you can see how each soldier having a personalised AI version of the Colonel and a save game lady that Snake had could be incredibly useful on the battlefield.
Do you think in the near future, real soldiers will be using AI to help them in battle the way the Colonel AI does for Raiden?

>MGS4 kinda does away with that. It gives you answers.

I agree, I think the misinformation was deliberate and interesting in MGS2, and then I remember how exciting it was the first time I played MGS4 getting those cold hard truths! And I think those rehashed situations and characters were a deliberate part of the master narrative of the series.

207 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-09 13:59 ID:0BjPZuzo

This morning I was playing Super Airwolf for the Mega Drive. In maybe 1997 I bought a copy from a pawn shop, but the cartridge was a weird shape, with ribbed ridges down the sides, and it didn't fit in my Sega. I never learned why, was it for a different model or something? Well I finally played it for the first time today, it's a pretty fun top-down scrolling shooter. The music's pretty good as well

208 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-11 01:32 ID:keAn/kc0

Kojima got his idea of simulation from Baudrillard who was popular in Japan at the time. The idea is that simulation isn't a fake version of something real or a lie that hides the truth. Its a representation of an object that claims to be faithful but has no real connection to it. A simulation replaces the thing its supposed to represent. Porn is supposed to be raw uncensored real sex but nobody used to have sex like that irl. People end up modelling their meatspace sex lives on internet porn so it ends up becoming real or more accurately replacing what was real. Our ability to distinguish between real and artifical has broken down. The Big Shell incident is a staged event based on myths about Shadow Moses. Its designed to take rookies like Raiden and turn them into replacements for Solid Snake. All of the bosses, the bad guys, the mission profile are rough copies of MGS1. Its a meta commentary on gaming i.e. Konami will just pump out soulless Metal Gear clones that rehash the first game and the military will turn warfare into a game and use gaming to recruit mindless soldiers. The breakdown of our ability to distinguish truth and falsehood will make us easy to control through manipulating content.

This also means we don't know where the line between real and staged is in the game. For all we know, Snake/Pliskin, Otacon, EE etc are all actors and the big reveal at the end is part of the exercise. Its one of the what ifs of the game. Do Snake and Otacon actually interfere in the Patriots' simulation or are they just actors too?

>Do you think in the near future, real soldiers will be using AI to help them in battle the way the Colonel AI does for Raiden?

They already do that. Usually it means taking metadata and demographic information to generate kill lists for drones, death squads, or the air force.

This is more recent

209 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-11 13:22 ID:0BjPZuzo


>They already do that

Yeah I knew about that, I was meaning specifically like how in MGS1, Snake has direct one-to-one communication with the Colonel, then in MGS2 this role is replaced by an AI version of the Colonel. In real life, a human commanding officer can command his troop as a whole, but can't give every soldier his full attention at all times; if all of that officer's expertise and experience could be stored as an AI entity and each soldier had their own personal Colonel guiding them in real-time in battle, military operations would be more efficient...
We already have this happening with AI chatbots of famous figures, I wonder how long before individual real-life soldiers will be making decisions in the field based on AI guidance...
I'm stoned and I'm rambling hehe :P

210 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-11 13:52 ID:mRnyDYJg

The average soldier is pretty worthless. Politicians and top brass just don't like troop deaths making the news but aside from that they treat infantry as a statistic. It wouldn't be worth the cost to the fit the average grunt with AI chatbots. The last thing you want are your guys fucking around with their phones in battle. I can see a case for spec ops using something like this. Israel has this secret "ghost regiment" that integrates AI. Exactly how they do it is a mystery though. Where you'll see AI decision making is at the command level, at the unit HQ, and remote unmanned weapons. i.e. AI robots that can carry satchel charges and AI suicide drones or have an AI that designs mission plans or handles mission data and processes intel during a mission. You could also see it being used in training simulators and war gaming software.

The most dangerous thing is using AI to speed up WMD research. AI applied to biological design could speed up the R&D of new bio weapons and generate new design concepts faster than any human. There's also the risk of military putting a strategic weapon in the hands of an AI. Imagine Russia's Perimeter system but worse.

211 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-12 14:20 ID:EFwfKm/p

Lately I've been absolutely sucked into the world of INFRA. Half walking simulator and half immersive sim about decaying infrastructure in a fictional nordic country, feels like I'm playing a peak 2012 Finnish sourcemod (which makes sense, because the lead dev cut their teeth on those).
Navigating through and solving puzzles in wastewater treatment works and pumping stations gives me some amazing sense of satisfaction that I didn't know I wanted. I did a brief stint in infrastructure automation irl before I decided it wasn't for me, but the nostalgia really drives home how well-crafted this game is.

212 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-13 10:28 ID:0BjPZuzo

I just got the platinum trophy on maybe the second-worst football game I ever played. It's called Super Arcade Soccer 2021, and I got it for about £2 in a PSN sale. Everything about it is shit, but at least it was entertainingly shit. Here's some funny things I found:

  • Player stats seem to have a huge effect on shooting accuracy, but not pass or lob accuracy. The best way to score is to use high-powered passes instead of the shoot button.
  • There is no point aiming penalties for this reason, the best way is to aim straight ahead and press shoot, the game will decide which direction you're shooting
  • Goalkeepers seem to either have lighting-quick responses, or have been lobotomised, when reacting to each individual shot in the game.
  • You can often chip it from halfway up the pitch and the GK will watch it bounce past him into the net
  • Goalkeepers seem to have a thing that causes other players to fall when they come close. I think this is for when they dive at an attacker's feet and save the ball, but it means you can run up the whole pitch with your GK and opponents will fall over when they try to tackle you
  • GKs don't have tackle animations, but it still plays the sfx when you press the button
  • Like many football games, there is a radar view at the bottom showing player positions. There are no walls around the pitch, so you can run forever away from play, and watch the radar marker run across the screen. I got my player markers up on the scoreboard at the top of the screen.
  • Usually in football games, just like real life, a game is abandoned if too many players are sent off. Not this game. I am currently soft-locked, because I got all 10 outfield players sent off, and when the other team scored, the goalie is taking kick-off, but he has no one to kick it to, so now they're just standing there with time paused.

213 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-20 05:57 ID:K1ItYKDa

I like to play Jet De Go nowadays. It's fun to have a civilian airplane game that focuses more on the feeling of flying than on making sure you spend 20 minutes going through checklists before you're allowed to move the plane. The physics are so simplified it can actually be disorienting when you're used to flying games (even Ace Combat), and you don't have to remember too many buttons since most functions are just outsourced to hitting triangle, so it's a fairly simple game. The gameplay of Jet De Go 2 is odd, though: it's basically an arcade game, but a large part of your time playing it is spent flying basically straight and level without doing anything for 100 mile segments because you're in control of the whole flight (unlike the first game which fast forwards automatically until you need to make a course adjustment), so you wind up having quite a busy arcade game during takeoff and landing, followed by 30+ minutes of not doing very much. It's like if Ace Combat made you fly the plane across the map to get to the combat zone before you were allowed to battle. That doesn't bother me personally, but it's an odd design decision to put so much waiting in an arcade title. Maybe you're just supposed to enjoy the super low-resolution satellite photo scenery of Japan passing by - though that doesn't help much if you're doing a long overwater flight to Okinawa...
Anyway, as a bonus the games are a neat time capsule of Japan Airlines in the years that they were released (2000, 2002, and 2005) and the soundtrack is good.

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