ITT We talk about whatever game we feel like talkin about (217)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-14 15:46 ID:sbn6zXDe

Just talk about whatever game you're playin, want to play, want to buy, what you just bought - whatever.

Just a nice, lazy places to spout random crap about games.

213 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-20 05:57 ID:K1ItYKDa

I like to play Jet De Go nowadays. It's fun to have a civilian airplane game that focuses more on the feeling of flying than on making sure you spend 20 minutes going through checklists before you're allowed to move the plane. The physics are so simplified it can actually be disorienting when you're used to flying games (even Ace Combat), and you don't have to remember too many buttons since most functions are just outsourced to hitting triangle, so it's a fairly simple game. The gameplay of Jet De Go 2 is odd, though: it's basically an arcade game, but a large part of your time playing it is spent flying basically straight and level without doing anything for 100 mile segments because you're in control of the whole flight (unlike the first game which fast forwards automatically until you need to make a course adjustment), so you wind up having quite a busy arcade game during takeoff and landing, followed by 30+ minutes of not doing very much. It's like if Ace Combat made you fly the plane across the map to get to the combat zone before you were allowed to battle. That doesn't bother me personally, but it's an odd design decision to put so much waiting in an arcade title. Maybe you're just supposed to enjoy the super low-resolution satellite photo scenery of Japan passing by - though that doesn't help much if you're doing a long overwater flight to Okinawa...
Anyway, as a bonus the games are a neat time capsule of Japan Airlines in the years that they were released (2000, 2002, and 2005) and the soundtrack is good.

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