[RANTS] Post your problems here (342)

132 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-26 06:23 ID:nQS3SaBr


Everybody has problems, but everyone has their own ways to overcome them. Are you trying to say that you're one of the few who can't handle life? Life is precious, and by trying to end yours, you're wasting what so many others want to have, but can't have.

Think not only about yourself, but for others as well. What would happen to your loved ones if you really did take your own life? Wouldn't they be devastated?

Think of other people; the caring father who dies in an industrial accident, the teacher who is killed in a car crash, the loving son who drowns in the river. How much they would have given to get back what you're trying to throw away so callously.

Think about it.

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