[RANTS] Post your problems here (342)

160 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-05 05:27 ID:2WsgX0QH

I'm 21. I'm in the kind of family where money comes in automatically every month by the virtue of the good business sense of my long-deceased grandfather.

I've spent about 3 years (non-consecutive) living the shut-in lifestyle, alone in a small apartment. My mother has lived the last 20 years that way.

I really want to do something with my life, getting better habits and all that, and I probably could gather the willpower to do just that, but I have no incentive, nothing to push me forward, and trying was to spark change suddenly don't work. I set objectives, but I procrastinate too much.

I don't have real friends and can't get help from my family (I'm in bad terms with my father and don't know him much, and the rest of my family has no authority at all over me, but I am in good terms with them).

I'm gonna move in to another house for various reason in about 4 months. I want to have better habits by then so that the new environment helps me to sustain more efforts, but I have not done much yet to improve myself :(.

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