[RANTS] Post your problems here (342)

310 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-11 05:30 ID:6TobUPRI

I don't have a social life. I'm not sure exactly how this happened. I just stopped having friends and things in high school.
I don't think I have any social disorders, I suspect any problems with chit-chat are just for want of practice. I'm not panicing or breaking down when talking to people, and I don't think I say anything socially inappropriate.
I don't look particularly bad. Not beautiful by any means, but not at all horribile visu. I'm tall and skinny and I wear collared shirts and slacks or jeans-I could easily be lost in a crowd. Maybe my hair is a bit off putting (it's long and curly, a combination that basically makes it a giant brown haze about my head).
My interests aren't such that can't have a conversation with another person. I don't really folllow sports, but I keep an eye on current events, I enjoy some popular bands, I read a lot of literature. Currently I'm in college majoring in computer science and ancient studies. I don't really have any unsufferably nerdy interests like anime or video games, and whatever interests I do have I try to keep balanced with everything else.

Maybe what happens is no one talks to me and I'm not daring enough to try talking to anyone. The end result is that I live in a world of silence and it's terribly depressing.

what in the world why did I just type all that i'm not sure if I'm going to post this or not, maybe I'll close the window.

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