[RANTS] Post your problems here (342)

57 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-30 17:27 ID:Heaven


I'm sorry to hear this.
You really should just start getting your life back together. Buckle down and do it, you know? There's not much more you can do. This is life, and you're living it! So while you still have the chance, fix things, get any job at all (its money), then turn 18 and move to your own apartment. Attend a college or community college, and live a semi-poor student life (they're not much fun, but assuming you at least get anime for free, it's really not that bad!) and then emerge with some kind of degree. Go into a job field and live life contently.

You have to start now, though. Get back in school and do what you need to, or you'll be regretting it the rest of your life.

I need to follow my own advice.

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