[IRC] Anonymous Network [IDEA] (28)

13 Name: 11 2005-09-26 15:09 ID:Heaven

Look here: http://stats.2ch.net/suzume.cgi?yes
Boards post rates fluctuate all the time, though, so my comment might be off.

For a comprehensive view about what ID types are enabled on each 2ch board, please see:
and http://www.d1.dion.ne.jp/~noripo/etc/2ch_id2.html

(See also http://ansitu.xrea.jp/guidance/)

Trivia: To see all the config settings of a 2ch board, just append SETTING.TXT to its URL:
http://etc3.2ch.net/qa/ → http://etc3.2ch.net/qa/SETTING.TXT

14 Name: 11 2005-09-26 15:11 ID:Heaven


IDなし = ID Disabled
任意ID = Arbitrary ID (ID disabled if something is in your E-Mail field)

17 Name: 11 2005-09-26 16:05 ID:Heaven

Even more trivia:
Some boards have even funkier settings, >>14 lists just the main ones.

強制IP = FORCED_IP → your IP is included with each post.
IDなし+任意リモホ = Arbitrary ID + "Rimoho"(?) (I don't really understand this one, the info may be outdated but the morning coffee board (second/most popular board on 2ch) has this one)
強制リモホ = FORCED_"Rimoho"(?) - again, no idea
半強制ID = Half-compulsory ID (only certain keywords/regexps will hide your ID)

18 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 16:10 ID:Heaven

"Rimoho" is short for "Remote Host" (リモートホスト)

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