I feel sick :( (28)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-17 06:09 ID:tPdh9fE/

Shintaro Kago's mangas aren't that bad, as far as I've seen.. But that might be just because I have an easier time being immune to stuff that aren't photorealistical.
Punctures is the creepiest one I've read so far, but that's just because it hits me where I'm paranoid, my worry about my vulnerability when I'm sleeping. Could you please mention a few of the mangas by him that you find nauseating? I'm curious regarding my reaction on those, as I'm too used to be too hardened by the intarwebs to react on most "gross" stuff in a nauseated way.
And I've never heard of the other guy before, prolly should look that up.

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