[Physical] Getting in shape [Sweaty] (38)

36 Name: Anonymouse(^_^) : 2006-10-05 04:39 ID:robl1nnx

started going to the gym regularly last january, friend invited me. now i go and he'S disappeared ( ̄ー ̄;?? but anyway, i like the indoor rock wall at the gym. i could go to a gym nearer where i live, but the one i go to has a rock wall, so i go there.

my previous (semi)regular work out was aikido, but this was during uni days, and now i have no time to go the the morning training, 7:30am, at the dojo, everyday except sundays. i winged it for 5 years, hahaha!

but having some sort of excerise is really good, especially if its something you enjoy doing, i.e. aikido, rock climbing

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