The End (34)

23 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-24 05:57 ID:Heaven

Really don't care in one way or the other. Life after death or not doesn't matter. Every person has a reason for suicide. In my case, I'm not happy. Living a life with no one, no relationships, no gf, no sex, still virgin despite in mid 20s. I don't think I can have a relationship or friends because I'm socially incapable and an am a social phobic. No education and money, living a hard life, I know it will be a hard life because I know myself from experiences, people never treating me equally often than not treating lowly as an inferior. I don't think i'm attractive either, even I say so myself. People don't look at me in the eyes, women and girls avoid me. I'm not fat or anything. I can't fit in even if I tried. I'm angry at myself and the world, sometimes, I hate myself for being born and the way I'm born, often time than not I blame my parents for it. I don't have friends. I don't know what to say about my life since most of the time i was primarily a shut in. I can never social with others. i have nothing to offer nor do i have anything to say in a social convo. Im self-conscious, and a bit agoraphobic. I want to do things outside but i don't know how to since i don't have any friends and it doesn't help i have issues with myself. People don't treat me the same as others do. Thats why I wish for suicide, i can't bear with the situation I am in and when I read others success and watch others happiness, it makes me feel worthless, I feel I want to die and not know any of this. I know i will probably die alone if I continue to live. Theres no opportunity for me, though I want it, I know it come my way if i don't pursue it, I cant because of the way I am. My future is bleak. I know it going to be like this. There is no way out, it going in circle. There is no happiness for me. No one loves me. It is the end. Even if I try, the chances of it succeeding is so small, the pain that accompanies with it is not worth it. Life is hell for me. All this sounds emo, but true. I doubt any response after this post will be any good other than negative remarks. But it is true, my life is like this. I can't help it. Suicide may be an option for me later in the future if thing turns out unbearable. When everyone has good the stuff, relatioship and social and all and you having nothing, no experience whatsoever in your live, you would come to this conclusion. I really wish for suicide, but on the other hand , i hope for the better of my life. Its gloomy and depressing, true this is my reality. i don't expect anything good out of this. Experiences upon experiences, it always turns out bad for me, im the one who gets shafted in shits, i don't get the good stuff, being oppressed, discriminated,etc. alot of people don't understand since they never had this experiences. i happen to be born like this. WTF!

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