The End (34)

28 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-24 22:02 ID:J5/lC2BM

Awesome. Morphine overdose would probably be one of the better ways to go. I still see some problems with overdosing from tea though. The coroner's report stated that his blood contained 3 times the highest usual amount of morphine you would get from a theraputic dose. He drank 2 liters of the tea for which he used 3,5lbs of seeds, which supposedly were extra potent (it doesn't say how much tea he made). It would probably be hard to know the potency of the seeds for the average person so atleast doubling the amount of seeds would be neccesary, if not tripling. That's 7-10lbs of seeds, a whole shitload of them. It might be worth it though, if you've got a nice source for them.

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