On Why Men Who Can't Get Women Should Blame Themselves (18)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-20 01:30 ID:fNd7wbyb

>>9 and >>12 are sort of right.
Assuming, you're a nice man looking for affection, attention, etc rather than just out to get laid, try suggesting to a friend that you intend to go to a bar to meet girls. If he/she knows that your immediate goal isn't pussy, you'll get a strange look and something to the effect of 'I didn't think you were that type of person' or in some cases 'Yeah, man, you really do need to get laid' indicating that your friend thinks that the only reason for going to a bar is to pick up girls and get laid in the immediate future. I've honestly tested this several times, and most every guy I know seems to see it this way, and a majority of girls seem to.

However, I don't know if that is just a local view of things, or perhaps limited only to the subset of people I interact with regularly, rather than being a good example of the population.

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