Bizarre Food (44)

34 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-23 15:54 ID:Heaven

Grilled Alligator Strips - Vaguely like light poultry meat, but much better tasting.

Mountain Oysters - Look em up if you don't know what they are. They're actually quite tasty, too, though I can't recall what they tasted like, but I got seconds and thirds even after I found out what they were. I think my uncle was a bit disappointed that I didn't react much when he explained to me what I was eating, though.

Live Moth Caterpillars - This wasn't intentional. The little bastards had hatched in some imported candy I bought somewhere (they weren't supposed to be in the candy, I should mention) and I was too distracted eating until I'd had a few pieces and noticed the texture was off from what it usually was. At this point, I broke one up and noticed the things squirming around. All the others were like that, and I threw them away. I was worried they might make me sick, but either I didn't eat enough, or they were harmless to eat. I assume the latter, but I don't intend to eat them if they show up again.

Live Sugar Ants - Similar thing, sorta. Late night programming and I had a glass of Bailey's on my desk that I was slowly drinking. I'd gotten about halfway through the glass and hadn't touched it for a bit. I wasn't looking at it when I'd picked it up again to take another drink and found myself with something like a few crystals of sugar in my mouth after I swallowed. My mind on the program, I took another drink and only then realized that this was not usual and furthermore that one of the little sugar crystals had a deathgrip on the inside of my lip. Looking down at the glass I saw that the rim was covered in small black sugar ants (aside from the gap where I had drunk) and quite a few had fallen in, undoubtably to their demise. I set the glass back down and failed to finish it, although I admit being torn over wasting the two or three more swallows of delicious Irish Cream.

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