What do you think of America? (90)

33 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-07 00:24 ID:9ZEZlJDL

I'm an Amerifag.

Yes, I'll agree, the U.S has its fair share of problems. In fact, if I had the chance, I'd move somewhere else. (Except for the fact that people would still call me an Amerifag.) However, the one thing I get sick of are these "[INSERT COUNTRY HERE] SUX CAUSE THEY'RE [INSERT STEREOTYPE HERE]!!" threads where everyone bashes on this country and that going only by sterotypes.

How many U.S-hating posters have actually been to the U.S? Personally, I've never been to another country and I never say "OLOLOL!!1 [INSERT COUNTRY] SUXX0RZ!!1one!1" I've never even met anyone who was a current citizen of another country, so I can't judge anybody on any matter.

The point is, why can't we all just get along as citizens of Earth? In a hundred years, when we terraform Mars, will we be having the same kinds of discussions? Seriously, guys.

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