What do you think of America? (90)

81 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-18 02:43 ID:H/iz+3uS

today i saw a sign that someone had posted at the bus stop that had a picture of this woman. it said something like:

what crime did i commit when i was conceived through rape? i was almost aborted twice. now i am a successful, productive adult.
children that are the result of rape do not deserve the death penalty. i am the exception to abortion, "in case of rape or incest."
think of me when you think of abortion.

or something like that.
it was very surprising. it said that it was produced by a pro-life feminist group.
i personally have a hard time with the whole abortion debate, but it was odd to be reminded that there are a WHOLE variety of different opinions on the matter, and from all sides.
just one more thing to confuse the issue...

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