"Homosexuality is genetic." (57)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-19 06:46 ID:Heaven

"Disorder" lulz. I disagree, but I'm weird. :-D

The "it would have been proved by now" attitude seems rather like a big fallacy. Though it is very true that we know a great deal, there still are many things we don't grasp or barely grasp, such as the cocktail effect of a large number of various toxic elements in our bodies, each substance individually being in a low enough amount but the substances amplifying certain qualities of each other. I don't see how it's farfetched to assume that it means that we probably won't get well enough how a large number of natural substances and genes in us function together, yet.

I don't subscribe to the idea that it's purely genetical or mental.

Another thing... Thoughts do have physical effects (stress being one of the most mainstream examples - higher bloodpressure, lowering the immune-system, etc), so psychological stuff never is "just" thoughts. Emotional pain, for instance, has been shown to register the same way in the brain as physical pain. Just in case anyone had/was going to forget about that.

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