"Homosexuality is genetic." (57)

43 Name: kenji : 2007-03-17 01:56 ID:5QMlbNWT

I was raised by a hetero father, who frequently eyed women and tried to "teach" me how to appeal to them and such. My mother let me do what I want, but there's always going to be that barrier in society where one would not expect another to be LGBTQ. Anyway, I was basically brought up to be a straight young man and such, nothing was forced on me, or anything like that that would change my mindset. I just always liked boys. Even before first grade. No matter how much I denied it or tried to change it, I couldn't. I didn't try because I wasn't proud, but rather because I was scared. Look at society today, it's nothing but a cold heartless monster, out to reap whomever is not like its own. So, in conclusion, I don't really know if homosexuality is genetic, that seems a bit extreme, but I do know that it's not a choice, nor is it wrong or abnormal. Saying homosexuality is abnormal is like me saying that heterosexuality is abnormal, it's immoral and would just lead to a highly vertiginous discussion/debate over who is right.

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