Dealing with a difficult individual (24)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-24 14:51 ID:OmXK6SvE

Feck. I totally understand how pissed you are. I have a couple of friends who boldly leech off me too. One of them constantly calls me and I never pick up because I know it will be the same old story about his life and trying to get a heart to heart convo out of me. I mean, I'm a girl and even I don't talk that much. When I bump into him, he's whining about how I don't pick up his calls and it's always "It's on silent, I don't have credit to call back." I'll be needing to find a new excuse soon. My other friend constantly seems to be borrowing money off me or asking me to do stuff for her. I don't really mind, besides the fact that she asks me so unashamedly, as if I owed it to her. Another one who was interested in me (got rejected already), keeps sending me messages "as a friend", because I'm such a good listener/helper and all. The problem is, they keep getting more personal, and I have other problem to worry about. People also leech off me at school to help them with their homework or just listen to them whine about their crappy day. I have very high tolerance so most of the time I do all this with a smile and a "It's okay!". But really, it's not. I take harder and more subjects than all of them, so I have enough work as it is without helping them out with theirs as well. I guess it helps that I've learnt the art of evading people who I know will ask me for something. But it has taught me to become more appreciative. I have immense gratitude for someone who does even a small favour for me.

Anyway, friends like these...yeah. You need space away from these people or else they'll drive you crazy. Trust me, I should know. Next time he talks to you, try to be distant by sounding disinterested. Short replies, "I'm kind of busy" treatment.

Sorry about the long post. Had to get that off my chest while your thread fired me up.

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