Isn't it kinda funny... (22)

1 Name: Tony : 2007-05-11 17:17 ID:J2b2Z6hV

A Canadian guy I've been in contact with by email (we're both gay) used to be really nice to me. In his long emails he would say how cool and smart I am: he was impressed that I spoke several languages; when we were chatting, he suddenly started saying how alike we were and how we typed "lol" at the same time (which was not true, now that I think of it) and that we like the same kind of things; another time we were talking about music and decided to send mp3s to each other: all but one of the songs that he sent me had very explicit, sexually suggestive lyrics; once he even sent me an email titled "this is us" that featured two otters playing and cuddling with each other.

All changed about a couple of weeks ago when we decided to exchange pictures of each other. He sent me his first, followed by a message where he said he was nervous about what I would think of him. I told him I thought he looked ok (which he does), after which, in his following email he said directly enough for virtually no one to misunderstand him: what he wanted, what he craved, was a picture of me.

Now, I know I'm not the best-looking guy out there, but I don't think I'm an unattractive person either. If I'd have to compare my and his looks, I'd say he's only a bit handsomer than I am. I sent him a photo of myself, and I also said I was nervous about what he would think of me.

A day later, he sent me a short message, one of the things he said was "Thanks for sending me those photos, it was really courageous of you."

My first thoughts were "Courageous? What do you mean? It was courageous of me to send a photo of myself? Just what are you trying to imply with that?"

After that things settled down a bit. He didn't send me emails that often anymore, and didn't reply to some of the questions I had asked and instead wrote about paranormal/mysticism-related things that honestly gave me a creepy feeling of him. Mind you, he is a huge fan of Sylvia Browne ( and believes about everything (even the wacky way-out-there stuff) she says. He said he has a main spirit guide (yes, there are others) called "Marcy," to whom he has been talking a lot. He actually had the balls to write this: *"At the moment, I feel
some one (I'm positive its Marcy)standing to my right and with one hand on my desk and another of the top of my chair
looking back and forth at me and the computer screen. Maybe she's reading my email to you, or talking to some one on her
dimensional plain."*


...Wow. Just, wow.

Today I received a fresh kick in the nuts. Last night I had the bright idea of sending him more music. I sent an mp3 of Porno Graffitti's "Melissa" which I thought might suit his tastes more, and today he had written "I must say, the two of us have really different tastes in musique lol."

Oh, I thought we were supposed to be so alike in everything...

And yes, he really spelt music "musique."

/Long rant over (longrant is looooooong), I just wanted to get this off of my chest.

Also, sorry if this sounded like bitchy whining, but I don't know what else I could do but whine about him like a damn bitch.

One question: what do you think of this guy?

...And how can I save him from Sylvia Browne?

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