Renouncing your Citizenship: ITT Weeaboos (82)

44 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-05 23:39 ID:X6YXzs1k


Dumbass, since when does 2ch represent mainstream Tokyo attitudes towards foreigners?

We all know anonymous internet text boards breed far-right neo-conservative racist spammers like nothing else. This is famously the most negative aspect of 2ch and is lamented by Foreigner and Japanese centrists and leftists alike. The centrists and leftists don't spam because they don't have anything to prove. Japan is a liberal, democratic country, with an increasingly globalized culture.

As for the Zainichi, they've come along way in recent decades and are about as prominent as any small ethnic minority in a largely homogenous country.

And if you think the neo-cons are popular right now, check out Mr. Abe's popularity ratings. That guy makes Bush look loved.

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