Daniel Radcliffe and closet paedophilia (40)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-01 15:56 ID:pfiAwmQB

I've heard a lot of people recently claiming Daniel Radcliffe (the guy who plays Harry Potter, and was in that play with the horse where he got his wang out) is "hot" or "sexy" or whatever. But I really, really have no idea where they are coming from. He's fucking ugly! And I'm not even saying that from a sort of "Americans have different standards of attractiveness to British people" sort of perspective, because I myself am British, and he's still fucking ugly.

I'm kind of wondering if these people are saying this because they found him attractive when he first started playing Harry Potter at the age of about 11, but only now he's 18 can they actually come out and say it.

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