The legality of rorikon (37)

22 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-28 06:17 ID:Heaven


>>Pornography is not art.

Frankly, pornography/not pornography as I see it, is an aesthetic discussion that only occurs within the bounds of human art. So, as an aesthetic discussion, all "pornography" is naturally an example of human art.
Most people would consider the Floating-World prints of Torii Kiyonaga "non-pornographic art", even though much of his work would have been self-admittedly closer-rated to prurient, pornographic intent in its own time. That whole classification is ridiculous, of course its art, it was made by humans wasn't it? And it doesn't have any utilitarian purpose, does it? It must be art.

Now the only question that remains, is whether or not it's of "Serious Value". Well sadly, if we rule out all art that doesn't appear "serious" to us, we can start burning a lot of our cultural heritage, and enshrining a lot of art that doesn't reflect us or our interests in any way.

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