abortion (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-15 16:44 ID:NswtZxri

okay. i, personally, am opposed to abortion in all but the most extreme cases (endangering mother's life etc) for the simple reason that i believe, whether a foetus is technically "human" or not at the point at which abortion is carried out, if left alone it will almost certainly become a human. and therefore i consider killing the foetus to be more or less equivalent to killing a human.

now, if people want to support abortion, that's their own business (note that i'm avoiding the ridiculous phrases "pro-life" and "pro-choice") but i'm kinda sick of one particular argument that keeps getting wheeled out by that side of the debate, and that's that abortion is somehow a feminist thing, and people opposed to abortion are all just trying to exercise male control over women's bodies. which is quite frankly bullshit, as far as i'm concerned. i don't care one bit what women do with their bodies, they can do what they like. the body i'm concerned with is the one growing inside the woman, and just because it happens to be up her snatch doesn't make it a feminist issue.

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