from 4chan (35)

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 05:06 ID:Heaven

chillax, m'dear. he'll get his bearings soon enough.

letting that thing shii wrote about anonymity take its course through the little pathways of my head, i'm still not perfectly certain how i feel about the values of anonymity and pseudnyms and identifiers we use in personal interactions. i guess for large impersonal internetcontentthings anonymity is the easiest thing to do being that there wouldn't be much of an interest in identity. in smaller closer-knit web sights pseudonymity and elements of one's identity in society at large begin to make sense as people become more interested in just who they are interacting with. but there are strange things with regard to that as well. when you get to be on a given name basis with people you lose some of your ability to tamper with the image you project of yourself. and then there are things like unification of one's identity across the internet and persistence of identity. i don't know how to feel about those weirding ways but it does trouble me that they could impinge on the right to vanish.
as an aside i guess only squeeks knows with any certainity but are there any estimates as to how large this place is?

>>15 was terribly interesting, thank you.
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