Let's talk about the manliest things you've done. (47)

17 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-07 16:22 ID:kpigWe7K

While camping at a campground way out somewhere, I took a trail through the woods, then went off the trail. I eventually got lost and tried to find my way back.

Avoided some scary looking guys who might've been lumberjacks of some sort. Came out at some kind of farm. Jumped over a few barb wire fences until I was in a pen with bulls on the other side running towards me. Made it to the other side and out of the pen just before they got there, tearing my pants in the process. Eventually, got out of the farm or whatever, and onto a street. Relied on my sense of direction and the postion of the sun to figure out how to get back to the campground.

All this while making sure my two younger siblings were okay, and lifting them over fences. I was like, 12 at teh time.

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