Activities for winding down [work or holiday] (4)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-12-23 19:04 ID:cGo4TDgB

I like to travel alone, but since I am from the third world and spend all my pocket money on shit I can not do it. Reading magazines and all this stuff is funny
But basically I love to studying world culture and political science, it became my addiction. I like to dig some obscure unknown thing from the past and be inspired from it. I mean REALLY obscure stuff.. Like umm some obscure british ruling class family book from the 16th century... Like this...
I want to be expert on this topic and find great and good paying job in this area...

But yeah, I like to listen to the most trashy dance music from the most trashy european discoteques
I am obsessed with everything that euro...
like any person from third world

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