Japan Fucking Sucks (13)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2010-10-12 17:07 ID:MMJkb+h4

I know man, why is she getting all upset over some one fucking touching her sexually without her permission? He's just touching her in a way that makes her feel uncomfortable, terrified, and upset! Whats that big deal? We should all be able to touch each other how we want, or at the very least men should be able to touch women however they want.

It's not like he's the one being a stupid piece of shit, and that a culture that tolerates and accepts that kind of behavior it is a fucking shitty culture. I mean a culture should never, ever be one where a victim of sexual harassment should be able to resist in anyway possible and that the people around them should support them, not be victim blaming fuck asses. And if discreetly stomping on his toes doesn't work, she should just give up and let him touch her, because women who make scenes are "bitches".

And when her boy friend breaks up with her, her friends don't want to be around her, and random strangles physically and verbally harasses her because shes a "slut" because she let that man touch her, it's totally her fault for, well, being a woman and existing.

Oh wait.

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