Dream Diary (9)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2011-06-03 18:27 ID:bSbGhenF

Had a dream today where I was in a shopping mall working, and the moment I got off work I went to the cash register and asked my grandmother what time she got off work, only she misunderstood my intentions and said she hadn't had sex until three days ago (even in the dream, I wondered how she was my grandmother). Then my family came in the store to visit me and went around buying groceries so I sat in the cart at the bottom like a seal with my head wedged up. But when we got back to the cashier (my grandmother), my fathers credit card would not work and I had to run over to the local film rental in the strip mall to withdraw money. When I got there they were busy tutoring some girl and would not help me so I browsed books until four teenagers came in to a corner by me and began to hit one of the four with a jagged hammer. I yelled and took the hammer and all four ran out. When the shopkeeper came over and I told him I had to withdraw $150 and it was urgent, he became worried and said I was up to no good. Dream ended prematurely at this point

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