Hobbies you have tried that just didn't work out and why (70)

1 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-01 03:19 ID:5mYnakXO

Creating electronic music - Not enough attention span to read manual, fucked around for about an hour in fruity loops and got fed up with it.

Standard Musical Instrument - Tried Keyboard and Recorder. I'm not coordinated musically also it didn't appeal to me for some reason.

Skateboarding/Surfboarding - Did this while a kid for sometime but got sick of fucking up my ankles and I wasn't that great. Also Surfboards are expensive.

Skydiving - Extremely fun but ~$200 for a jump if you have no equipment. Way too expensive.

Videogames - Only a few appeal to me, mostly puzzle games and there isn't a huge variety of them. I'm still experimenting with this one.

Graphic Design/Drawing/Art/Sculpture - I'm not creative. I've tried drawing and coming out with things and it usually ends up being either abstract shapes or it just sucks.

Photography - I'm not sure how good my digital camera is and I don't really have anything interesting to take pictures of.

Sports [ Baseball, Wrestling, Soccer/Football, Basketball ] - It's not enjoyable but a good way to get exercise and in shape (esp wrestling). Also not good at these.

Paintballing - Done a few times. Was OK but not entertaining enough to invest at least $500.

CCG (Collectable Card Games) - Played pokemon/magic as a kid but it just seems like a money scam/dick sizing contest.

Making Videos - Took a semester of video/film in HS and hated it. I do not enjoy drawing storyboards and I lack creativity also I don't have many actors/friends to be in the movie.

Drugs - Tried a huge variety of psychedelics both classical and experimental phenethylamines and tryptamines. Sampled opiods, stimulants. Eventually ended up in mental hospital for a month due to sleep depreciation + n,n-DMT. So now I just stick with the rare occassion of oxycodone, small amounts of cannabis, or methamphetamine. All which will not totally fuck my head.

So I'm left with watching films and television shows that I download online while listening to music. Sometimes researching various sociology/psychology topics and wasting a ton of time on imageboards or /b/. The problem with this is I have no social hobbies. Am I fucked? Y/N?

2 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-01 17:29 ID:XIMTDbWU

I tried Aikido for about a year or more. I eventually gave up because it was just too hard, and I couldn't learn it no matter how hard I tried, and I wasn't enjoying it. Martial arts really just aren't for me.

3 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-01 19:21 ID:lz6jhuBS

Art - Didn't have any skill and didn't want to learn how to improve.

Video Gaming - Basically the same thing as the OP.

Marital Arts - No discipline...Eventually I got pissed because everyone was better than I was so I gave up.

4 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-01 21:17 ID:v0iNL2We

> last paragraph Am I fucked? Y/N?

You sound somewhat like me. You don't need social hobbies, as long as you spend time with others, even just talking or sharing a meal. Most importantly with family.

I played video games like a drugged korean, but I put them all down and haven't touched a real game since last December. I don't know why.
As for other hobbies, no one has mentioned collections (coins, stamps, insects, other dull things). I tried to start collections in the past, but wasn't committed or interested enough.

5 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-11 21:07 ID:VXCNKrTx

Photography - Finding anything interesting to photograph was extremely hard for me. Also, I absolutely hate being photographed myself, so I just couldn't make myself take photos of other people.

Digital illustration - I couldn't concentrate on the big picture and ended up endlessly polishing irrelevant small details.

I play guitar and bass, and compose, record and listen to music. Also, I bicycle quite a bit, although I don't really consider it a hobby of mine per se. Also programming, which is my job, doubles as a major hobby.

6 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-13 04:34 ID:sJi+dtZ6

logic - realized it was best studied in the context of something practical such as math, programming or physics

programming - realized it was a tool for corporate technicians

math - realized the language is antiquated.

physics - realized it is based on math

linguistics - gaaaaaaaaaaaay

i currently do papercraft of pokemon and nge.

7 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-09-21 04:16 ID:du/NtxtI

Anything related to computer programming.

8 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-01 00:00 ID:I9JyGeBB

Art - Got bored of it after taking an art class where all the kids drew Dragonball Z characters.

9 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-02 15:08 ID:y5yZggHp

Computer, video, and conventional Games. Just about all games. For some reason though I still play, I've never built up any skill. So I really suck even after all this time. Still fun though, but frustrating.

10 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-03 07:13 ID:VvLmalok

Is compulsive masturbation a hobby?

11 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-03 11:18 ID:hl8ZUfZt

I put it in my cv

12 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-03 20:05 ID:Y5FzxM0n


I feel your pain. Years of gaming and I still can't get past the beginning of any game without concerted effort and steel resolve.

13 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-03 22:26 ID:v0iNL2We

Give up gaming.
All that wasted time could be better spent learning music, sports, social games, gambling, fighting, or building up an alcohol tolerance.
Fun hobbies that also happen to also be somewhat useful in everyday life.

14 Post deleted.

15 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-07 00:20 ID:CNi7HBQj

Who are you to decide that video gaming is a less legitimate hobby than all the others? Video gaming develops hand-eye coordination, reaction time, concentration, problem-solving skills, and communication/team skills. Get off your high horse.

16 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-07 18:27 ID:v0iNL2We

I decided for myself; that's all that matters.
I have the right to do so, and failed hobbies are what this thread is about.

> hand-eye coordination

Yes, that's why I can't catch a ball.

> reaction time

Granted, as far as pressing buttons goes.

> concentration

To the detriment of all else.

> problem-solving skills

If you want to solve your problems with bullets, L-Shaped blocks, or by casting Ultima, then yes.

> and communication/team skills.

Perhaps if you play Team Fortress clan matches.
For the most part, social skills suffer when not dealing face-to-face with people.

Most importantly I feel it's a waste of my time because it's not going to help me gain capital, gain a family, contribute to humanity or better myself/others. I won't die while regretting time I could have spent building something for myself besides a megalopolis in SimCity XVII.
Invest your own time however you want, I'm not going to judge.

17 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-09 22:39 ID:9kxXQGHS

I lol'd because everything you said is so true

18 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-09 22:39 ID:9kxXQGHS

behold the power of practicality vs. theory

19 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-10-10 15:09 ID:eGrkj3cR

Drawing - what to draw? Another furry? Happy days before I actually knew what furry is all about... Stoped abruptly after learning the truth :) Drawing anime style characters just isn't any fun to me anymore. Drawing anything else even less.

Skinning Windows XP. Seriously, who still does that? Any selfrespecting geek skins Linux systems.

Photography. No pretty ladies to tak photos of and the price of equpement keep me less than enthusiastic about it. Taking photos of bugs and flowers just isn't fun.

Writing a blog. After I learned about /b/ and *chans and discovering the back alleys of internet I really do not wish to contribute anything personal to interent that can be linked to my real identity. Other than work related stuff.

Music. EVERYBODY can do house music and other techno stuff these days. Have the talent but am easily bored with repetitive tump-tump.

So I lurk here for the time beeing and I also picked up an idea that it might not be a bad idea to lose those 10kg of fat I have - if that's a hobby?

20 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-11-26 04:28 ID:4POjy5aQ

Martial Arts - too much work

Programming - too boring

Playing the guitar - too much effort

Meditation - waste of time

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