Hikikomori's, Asperger's syndromer's & Autist (195)

149 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2009-10-18 16:31 ID:ylbQ+Oxo

I'm also a hikky.. maybe autist/aspi too, but not sure.
Atleast i'm not a NEET.
I sleep, go to work, go home, go in my room, do general stuff, go sleep. On weekends i'm watching anime, playing games, tv.. things in my room. I rarely go out.

Actually i want to stop this, but i even don't have much friends or ways/time to know new people. And even on chat/IM i rarely get myself up to talk, well write, with people.

I possibly already wrote on this thread, or on /personal/, but i'm bored so i write again. orz

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