Hikikomori's, Asperger's syndromer's & Autist (195)

163 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2010-03-19 16:30 ID:9SqpwW3R

I don't know if I'm considered hikikomori, though I'm pretty sure I'd be considered "parasite single" or "twixter".

29 year old male, just finishing his first college degree after getting out of a 5 year "serious" relationship that drove him to become obese (sitting at 300 lbs now).

I don't go out much, as the earlier poster stated it's usually fast food restaurant drive through, school, fast food restaurant drive through, home, internet, sleep. repeat until weekend then internet, internet, sleep. i'm not incredibly antisocial, i just feel like i'm not cool enough for most people to want to hang around with anyway.

sad thing is, it's been about 5 years since i've had the luxury of a female who desires me, or any romantic female human contact of any kind. (hugs/kisses.etc) and being a fat guy, no girl that's remotely attractive would waste two seconds on me.

sometimes i think i'm going to be alone forever.

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