Hikikomori's, Asperger's syndromer's & Autist (195)

94 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-01-02 20:28 ID:HX/taBS3

I've been a hikikomori for 6 years now.
Junior high and highschool drove me insane.I tried to kill myself, that didn't work. So one day I just locked my self in my room.My parents have tried everything to get me to come out, but they don't understand. They knew I was tortured in school,but told me to deal with it.I have only came out during the day twice since then.I only leave my house[my parents kicked me out and got me a apartment for myself] Once a week for food at night.

I hate myself more then anything. I wish I could be normal.

But in these years, I have learned english, so it's not all too bad.

But the lonelyness gets to you. Sometimes I lay on my floor and cry for hours, even though I don't even want to talk to anyone.

But I met a fellow hikikomori on mixi, and we share the same intrests, so maybe one day we will meet.

Sorry for the BAWWWWing. Haha.
Hopefully, one day I can leave the house without having a panic attack.

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