[TRUE ANON] Onion Chan! [ZOMG] (214)

1 Post deleted by moderator.

201 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2017-10-03 01:03 ID:Heaven

Hello, person from just a few hours ago; I am from the future, and I would just like to encourage you not to bump a thread--especially an odious thread like this one--if your topic isn't even remotely relevant.

202 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2017-10-03 01:14 ID:Heaven

And for the record, Tor is only slightly better than clearnet for distributing illicit content. This is because Tor is a decentralized network, not a distributed network, and the reason why this is significant is because, in Tor, there are a lot of peers and incredibly few nodes. I could get into why distributed networks are inherently no more sustainable than clearnet, but that's another topic. Just think about it this way: if you have a network that has the capacity to be decentralized, but there's only three nodes in your proximity, it's still technically decentralized--but what is that worth? If you think Tor is a medium for protecting you're identity, you're sorely wrong. If you think Tor is a medium for hidden services, you're dead wrong.

>What about a distributed service like i2p

Ah, good question. The thing about i2p to note is that i2p is about as censorship proof (if not less) as Tor. i2p does a better job obscuring your identity, but the fact is, if you're maintaining a website that is less than savory, nobody is compelled to publicize it. So if you're looking to shit up all the i2p forums with requests for child porn, I'm afraid you'd be doing so in vain--and at the expense of other i2p denizens. The only exception to this is probably the Kad network on top of i2p.

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