4-ch is dead? (125)

1 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2014-11-13 07:33 ID:SUNLd6q3

The only relevant textboard in english ;_;

125 Name: 410 - Name Gone : 2024-05-04 08:57 ID:Heaven

I have come to this site at least a few times a year since I was thirteen. That's half my life now. Pretty soon even this thread will have existed for half my life.

I haven't done anything at all. I graduated high school and have rotted in my parents' house ever since. No job, no friends, no relationships. I feel like I died at some point when I was a teenager, and I'm continuing to inhabit my own body just to keep going on the computer. The only things that would prove I ever existed are my medical records and the posts I've made on the internet (at least a quarter of a million, if you include all my tweets). Oh, well. I guess it's normal to do nothing with your life, isn't it?

At least I have some desire to "grow" these days. I've been making progress on myself, by the standards of a hikikomori. Working doesn't even seem as scary anymore. Maybe some day I'll come back to this reply, and feel good about how my life's gone. I'll probably just feel bad, or no real way at all. But maybe!

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