Imageboards are dying in the Western World (88)

1 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2017-10-01 18:26 ID:P9OB6Jyx

What kind of bizarro world do we live in where everyday person not only is terrified of a site that advocates open source ideals and pushes their user base towards creative commons but has learned from the popular media to actively resent it? What has happened to us that people are flocking towards grotesque, selfish corporations whose only interest is to satisfy their shareholders as though they were some warm, fuzzy paternal figure? What is wrong with our culture that a company like Apple--the same company that lobbies against right to repair laws, has a worker death toll in the thousands, and forces their users to throw %95 of their old merchandise in to landfills rather than recycling just to stifle third party repair practices--is lecturing us on how we should feel about gay marriage? And we're actually listening to them!

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