Imageboards are dying in the Western World (88)

29 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2019-07-07 16:01 ID:TX6DFStK

4chan is now dead too.

The mods have started globally banning many people for 24 hours or more for "replying to off-topic garbage." They do this without linking to the post. So they can now ban you for literally any post for literally any reason and you'll never know what post it was, what board it was on, and why you were banned. It's not even possible to know what's defined as off-topic on 4chan, e.g. anime is on-topic on /tv/ but often deleted, while /g/ threads about trannies should be off-topic but actually aren't. It's absurd that users now have the responsibility to know what posts they may or may not reply to, instead of the mods deleting those posts and banning the people who made them. I also got a warning not long ago for replying to a spambot--as if I'm supposed to possess a real-time encyclopedia of all bots active on the site.

4chan's been on a downward spiral for years but this is the last straw.

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