Imageboards are dying in the Western World (88)

40 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2019-10-24 22:25 ID:b5exMl0J

Don't be sad >>38, nowadays VPS's are really cheap and you can make your own forum with little effort. You just have to purchase some server space, a domain and install a script.
I'm saying this because I belive that, faced as we are with the current climate surrounding internet discussion forums. That is: a sharp increase in centralisation and surveillance, mostly (if not in its entirety) on corporate, soul-less websites. We should make an effort to create our own places for people to talk freely about whatever they want (or about whatever you want, you're going to moderate your forum anyways). We have to do it, as a last raging scream against the all-consuming corporations. As a way of connecting people once more. As a way to build bridges between nations, races and languages.

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