This guy is just using me, right? (99)

90 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-22 21:34 ID:xoYL2oR0

And homosexuals/asexuals were valuable members of such tribes too, since they took care of the tribe's needs more without needing as much back from it as people with children.

To get back on topic though, about >>1:
He might have used you. I'm guessing >>1 had some mild interest in the person, and is worried about that he isn't interested in her, but her genetalia and boobs. Especially since the bloke moved ahead far too quick to somewhere she might not have let him had they even been dating.
Please confirm or deny, >>1.
However, what you need to do now is to talk with him in some publically neutral place, and set the record straight with him. That he really should not have molested you, that it was bad of him to take advantage of someone frozen in shock. And then whatever else, depending on what you want to happen in the future - i.e. if you still want to be friends, or if you want to cut him out of your life, etc.

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