Kissing (94)

1 Name: SynthL0rd : 2006-02-21 04:47 ID:gDqyhgwL

How do I kiss a girl?...LOL!

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 05:40 ID:Heaven

Yeah, real funny.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 06:10 ID:Heaven

           i::::::::/'" ̄ ̄ヾi
           |:::::::| ,,,,,_  ,,,,,,|
           |r-==( 。);( 。)
           ( ヽ  :::__)..:: }
        ,____/ヽ  ー== ;  >> Uh-huh, and what?
     r'"ヽ   t、   \___ !
    / 、、i    ヽ__,,/
    / ヽノ  j ,   j |ヽ
    |⌒`'、__ / /   /r  |
    {     ̄''ー-、,,_,ヘ^ |
    /  \__       /
    |      "'ー‐‐---

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 10:49 ID:Heaven

Put lips on lips and blow spit out

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 14:39 ID:PDxEJCQv

Tounge. Tounge!

6 Name: SynthL0rd : 2006-02-21 20:36 ID:gDqyhgwL

Sorry, this is actually a serious question I don't know why I said LOL at the end :(.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 22:34 ID:d7PJv1ii

I don't think you'll have to worry about the hows once you've made it that far. Seriously.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 23:02 ID:+mWU4p12

There is no wrong way to kiss, seriously

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-22 00:05 ID:1vTe3rJF

that is, unless you accidently poke someones eye out =P

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-22 11:48 ID:SHtZXeX/

>>1 some tips

  1. be gentle!!!
  2. take it slow!!!
  3. keep your eyes shut!! dont think about whether the girl has her eyes open or not. keeping your eyes shut makes it more enjoyable, plus if the girl checks to see if your eyes are open and sees that they arent, youll get bonus points!
  4. dont go for the tongue too quick!!! you can fuck it up real quick if she isnt ready for it, though you will probably be able to tell when the time is right
  5. take it easy with your tongue!! noone likes kissing a washing machine or their pet dog. i kissed this one girl on new years once, and she said that her ex used to say she was a great kisser. so i kissed her and seriously wtf! someone should have told her about this one... her ex probably just said she was good to get into her pants lol
  6. leader/follower. cause youre taking it gently and slowly, youll be able to tell if shes leading or not. if shes not really doing much with her tongue, gently run your tongue around hers, shell probably follow. but yeah if shes already got it covered, or is trying to lick your face off like in 4., just try and follow.
  7. dont poke her with your hardon on your first kiss!!! youll undoubtably have one, so unless youre both drunk, keep it to yourself



not like im a master or anything, but noone is giving you a serious response. pretty much everything else youll be able to tell when you get there ;)

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-22 14:30 ID:+svzccwP

just get yourself a girl first

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-22 17:25 ID:gFJhjwmb

1.Get a girl

13 Name: SynthL0rd : 2006-02-22 18:41 ID:gDqyhgwL

uh, I have a girl, lol.
>>12 LOL!!, WIN!

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-22 18:42 ID:Heaven

           i::::::::/'" ̄ ̄ヾi
           |:::::::| ,,,,,_  ,,,,,,|
           |r-==( 。);( 。)
           ( ヽ  :::__)..:: }
        ,____/ヽ  ー== ;  >> Uh-huh, and what?
     r'"ヽ   t、   \___ !
    / 、、i    ヽ__,,/
    / ヽノ  j ,   j |ヽ
    |⌒`'、__ / /   /r  |
    {     ̄''ー-、,,_,ヘ^ |
    /  \__       /
    |      "'ー‐‐---

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-22 19:36 ID:qyGlXx0z

Mouth kissing is unhygienic.

A peck on the cheek is acceptable.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-22 22:07 ID:mceOHT8a

>>10 "keep your eyes shut!!"

After you're very familiar, though, there's much hilarity to be had by opening your eyes really, terrifyingly wide. Wait for the girl to open hers, and savour the reaction.

Don't do it all the time, though, or she'll just think you're a psychopath.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-23 01:14 ID:X3lBy7X8


hahahahaa that is GENIUS!

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-23 02:24 ID:+mWU4p12


I guess, but there are people who seriously worry about "knowing" how to kiss. There's no right way to do it, you're just pressing your lips together

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-23 04:18 ID:Y756Sd3Z

then kiss her.
any problem??

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-24 11:38 ID:zdl2y1pv

lol, i'm so stealing that!

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-24 22:13 ID:fNR8ctwn

1) You just made my day
2) ????

Also, no one seems to have mentioned lips (in a worthy context).
Tense lips feel weird, so keep them relaxed.

See also: licking her lips with the tip of your tongue, gently nibbling on her lips with yours.

Class dismissed.

22 Name: sage : 2006-02-26 16:53 ID:lIcjCWbm



23 Name: cats : 2006-03-21 14:27 ID:vlRy36KG

stick ur tongue down her throat

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-21 20:43 ID:Heaven


somehow, ちょwwwwwwww doesn't feel as much "spam-ish" as a loong loool...

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-21 20:54 ID:RyFKJyId

Err it really depends how close you are
if its just a first kiss and you aren't reaaaaaaaallllly that close yet then just a mouth to mouth peck sorta have your lips pressed softly together is a good start

Afterward for a deeper kiss with your lip at a slight angle to her's and finally for really deep/french kiss have your lip around 90 degrees to her's but then again its all perference I guess.

26 Name: tongues : 2006-03-21 21:21 ID:zdl2y1pv

stick ur cat down her throat

27 Name: Saw-Square : 2006-03-22 01:08 ID:YwU8kLWm

>> 1:

I guess there isn't such thing as a "manual" for kissing, bacause it's a thing sooo intimate, that no one can explain you How to do it right. Just let yourself go, and your body and mind will do the rest ^_^

28 Name: Kitty-ko : 2006-03-26 07:26 ID:0bPa7jrI

I agree with Numbah 10. But, if it's your first time withthis girl, do NOT use tongue. Wait until, like, the fourth kiss or her using tongue to start with that stuff.

I personally thing tongues are gross, but...

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-26 13:06 ID:3dCS7ypF

I like it with tongue ^_^. If it's first kiss it's really better if she starts with a tongue. Especially if you have no experience in it. btw. My girlfriend like to bite my tongue during the kiss Ouch! But she's a half cat anyway...

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-26 14:51 ID:zXU99cbT

if its first kiss you probably shouldn't do tongue UNLESS she starts it first but then its probably alot better to just have a normal kiss for the first time rather than going straight for tongues

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-26 19:50 ID:3dCS7ypF

Oh, and btw. don't keep your condom in the wallet unless you want to have kids ;)

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-27 03:37 ID:ImUBF1xE

As a girl, I can say outright that starting with tongue is really... ew. Don't do it! Girls will eventually talk with other people about that first kiss, and if you rush it or do some other gross things then they will just laugh at you with their friends. >_<;

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-27 12:52 ID:3dCS7ypF

Only some childlish girls in my opinion...

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-27 13:57 ID:81EsdA0n

Seriously, unless you guys are really close already you shouldn't try to use tongue unless she starts it first/she said she is ok with it. I know a lot of girls who would get grossed out by it, they wants a nice first kiss not a freaking tongue stuck down thier throat.

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-28 05:16 ID:ImUBF1xE


Girls talk. Any idiot who doesn't realize this is beyond stupid and either is an emo chick without friends or only has Rosy Palm to keep them company.

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 18:48 ID:TtH86Kik



37 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-08 00:53 ID:Ja3AXGkC

recently i've got a boyfriend, and he does kiss like exactly what >>10 said.
at first, he doesn't use a tongue; then, he moves to it.
i think it's good to put your weight on your girlfriend when you're kissing.
it makes girls excited so much.

38 Name: RedMuppet : 2006-05-11 06:05 ID:sSLRVqsG

I haven't been kissed in a good while :(

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-12 05:07 ID:fxFcQR0g

My first kiss was full tongue, like she was trying to scrape away my plaque. Considering I was as chaste as a nun back then, it was like an A-bomb was dropped in my mouth. HOT

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-12 05:51 ID:Heaven

Me too. What a wild ride that relationship that was.

41 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-12 06:50 ID:j84oK7Ln

  1. Tongue, and lots of it! You want your tongue to hit her lips before your lips do. Think of it like having sex on your face, and your tongue is the penis penetrating the vagina that is her mouth.
  2. Keep your eyes open the entire time. Eye contact is important! If she's closing her eyes, she's bored. If that happens, more tongue!
  3. For bonus points, start kissing around her lips. Or what I like to do for the high score: use your tongue to draw a heart on her face (from the chin to the forehead).
  4. Breathe through your mouth ONLY!!!! Girls don't want to feel your nosebreath on their face. Take a deep breath and exhale into her mouth for extra points.
  5. Later on, try sucking on her tongue. Experiment to find out how hard you can do it without making her tongue bleed.

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-12 07:25 ID:Heaven

Put your weight on her? How?

43 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-12 09:05 ID:j84oK7Ln

>>42 I think she means to kiss sort of like you're "on top" while having sex. Push her with it?

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-13 04:40 ID:Heaven

>>41 is being a smart-ass, for those naïve saps who might not be able to tell.

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