I'm 22 and look good. Why have I never had a date/girlfriend? (85)

3 Name: Mysteryman : 2006-02-24 06:13 ID:OH9JcS3J

I either come on too strong or not at all. Take tonight for instance. I decided to head out alone to a local bar and play a few games of pool. I had water to drink and while playing some random girl asks me why i'm playing alone, which I later realized was code for "ask her to play with me". I'm really slow on grasping both body language and vocal cues.

I also have had a very addicting personality and went through many different types of addictions but mainly these games like Everyquest (mmorpgs) where for a majority of my youth throughout highschool and halfway through college I never left my room and played all day long. I am practicly missing a point in life where most people deal with this stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not nervous or anything around girls. I just treat them most of the time as I would treat a customer (I work retail sales). And I treat them this way and then at the end of the day realize how much I would have liked to pursue them in a relationship. I know it sounds very odd.

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