Why do guys like girls? (97)

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-28 23:45 ID:hO4BjBj7

>Any guy in college/university PROBABLY wants to use you for sex.

Harhum! may I vehemently contest this ridiculous and simpleminded idea? please? Grant me some authority on this, I am a university student after all... No, its very much different, if not opposite (at least not where I come from).

Only a few years ago I was a highschool student, and there also I didn't notice a strong 'needtogetlaid' sentiment. Only with a few guys.

I now speak for myself, but when I am actually talking to a girl I seldomly think about sex, because I'm much too preoccupied keeping the talk going. Even when I'd like to do it with her. I'd figure that goes for a lot of guys

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