The Perfect Woman (74)

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 23:07 ID:gwe6rNo8

Also This is good because it shows that love and romance does not need to be a bunch of coffee shop liberals pining and mooning over spoiled princesses who won't even give them the time of day.

I suggest you all read the following books so that way you can have everything too:

Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friederich Nietzsche
Der Wille Zur Macht by Friederich Nietzsche
ANYTHING by G. Gordon Liddy
Ulysses by James Joyce
ANYTHING by Ann Coulter
and the Iliad.

It will save you all a ton of grief. God, I'm here trying to bringy you alternatives and you fools you bury your head in the sand. Don't you see that you are all blinded by your illusions?! Don't you see that these "women" you mope over are nothing but chattel?!

Do you want fat overstuffed cream puffs or do you want Teutonic Valkyries?! Do you want to suffer the oppression of your false beliefs or do you want to go to Valhalla?! Think! THINK!!!

I'm not the one deluding myself into changing for some ripping bitch! I'm not some coffee shop liberal drinking latte's and debating over the environment or gun control....

I've SEEN the dusky sands and FELT the breezes of Hell upon my face......after I got back to the States...I was hikikomori..but Hotaru helped me...and these bitches just wanted a piece of me....MONEY! Money will not buy you passage into Valhalla!


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