The Perfect Woman (74)

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 01:36 ID:GKbJaxFb

>>28 But a lot of people here you are the delusional one. Makes you wonder who is right and who is the crazy one.

>>24 His is very detailed and specific, and I don't doubt that there MIGHT be someone out there who fits his description. Maybe even down to a T, as unlikely as it may seem. Regardless, I've started to wonder if he even finds such a person... will it truly make him happy? Or will he try to find fault with one little thing that she does? There are so many traits that contrast with each other that it seems hard to find such a person who can follow this ideal rigidly. I imagine the OP will probably succumb to buying a Hotaru body pillow out there and do who knows what to the thing to get his moment of joy.

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