The Perfect Woman (74)

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 05:11 ID:5stMXOzD

I'm the OP here and after much consideration, I would personally hoist meade with all of you. Hail.

But on a more serious, non Hotaru, non Valhalla related note. I would like to inspire you all to look more into yourselves and realize that in your own way you are all warriors.

A warrior does not need to wield a warhammer or brandish an M16, this helps, but a real warrior sees what he wants and goes about attaining it in an honorable, yet determined way.

If you see it, go for it. If you desire it, have it. It is not for you to judge or debate. Granted some people may not have the same Weltanshauung that I do. And while I think some people, read most, have gotten far too liberal and dependent on society; I think there is still hope.

If you want love and romance, you will get it. Just don't settle for less than you deserve and never take the first offer.

If you like something or believe in something, STICK TO IT. No matter what happens, if it something you want dearly, STICK TO IT. Never bend, never change and never acquiesce unless YOU really want to do so. There are too many fish in the sea to settle for minnows.

So the next time some spoiled Paris Hilton Democrat Princess tells you that you are uncool or tells you that you aren't hip.

You think about what your old pal the crazed Hotaru Maniac says and say "THOU ARE NOT A VALKYRIE!!! OOOODIIIIINNN!!!" and dump the bitch and go find a REAL woman that you deserve and want.

and if I can paraphrase HK, "In a world of compromise, some don't". Never compromise your beliefs and desires, they aren't for sale.

Whatever your ideal woman is, is the woman you should travel the ends of the Earth to seek at any cost, and be rewarded for your journey.

Your ideal woman may not be like mine,(Nihilistic, vengeful, intelligent, Valkyrian, Hotaru-esque), but I wholeheartedly support your efforts to find her.

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