The Perfect Woman (74)

50 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 06:56 ID:GKbJaxFb

>>49 :) Thank you.

Generally, my ideal would have to match or exceed me intellectually. I find smart guys sexy and I love learning new things or having an engaging conversation about things I find particulary interesting. If he is able to sit still and watch the History or Discovery Channel with me, that would be great! And if they happen to enjoy my other hobbies (video games and anime), that would only sweeten the deal. I suppose they would also like to go to the bookstore, read varying types of literature, and also be adept with the computer.

Most importantly, they would have to be patient to have to deal with me. I don't like to gossip, go out to clubs, or go around dressing like a slut... but I do have other needs that need a little tender loving care when the time comes.

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