The Perfect Woman (74)

54 Name: SailorSaturn : 2006-04-14 09:54 ID:fhHh3zsD

If you look up in most online journal websites, you'll find me easily enough. All I can say is thank god I'm already married because I'd make you eat my hair or slice you up with a sharp weapon if you mix up Roman mythology (Naoko's interpretation of any sailor senshi) with Norse mythology (the inapplicable Valhalla/valkyrie nonsense).

And no, I don't believe in the other weird stuff you see with your rose-colored glasses such as xenophobia, private ownership of assault rifles, etc. Ugh, that's just plain weird.

Besides, if you want to know who's an ideal man for Hotaru... it'd be someone like Zagato of Mahou Kishi Rayearth. Think you meet the minimum requirements? Yea, thanks for playing "Do I have what it takes to woo Hotaru?"

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