The Perfect Woman (74)

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 17:05 ID:JfWmaGfS don't know who Hotaru is? How can you not know who Hotaru is? What is this world coming to when the man on the street knows not of Hotaru?!?! Hotaru Tomoe, she's the soldier of death and destruction. She's kind of goth looking but isn't goth like mall goth or anything. She wears dark clothing, is a nihilist, and she's cute. This is my fetish.

And no I won't go out with women any more until they collectively get their shit together and start being more like this. As I've said, I'm sick and tired of blah blah blah let's move in together, blah blah blah gun control, blah blah blah John Kerry, blah blah blah gimme some money, blah blah blah blah blah BLAH turn down that heavy metal music, I want to listen to some R and B, blah blah blah blah why didn't you call me today....

I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it and no amount of sex can cure it.

Besides...there are other issues like blah blah blah I'm jewish, you should convert, blah blah blah I'm catholic let's go to church together, blah blah blah blah.....

Dammit...I'm not irreligious or anything, but I do not like Judaism or Catholicism for myself. That's why I want a woman who believes in Valhalla...

Oh yeah another thing I'm sick of blah blah blah did you hear about Angelina Jolie, blah blah blah I only read books when I have to study, blah blah blah do those Nancy Drew books I read in elementary school count? blah blah blah I like Cosmopolitan, let's take this quiz, blah blah blah who's Nietschze and Ragnar Redbeard blah blah blah ....

Oh yeah...and another thing...I refuse to wear Jewelry and I'm sick of some bitch telling me I should get a gold chain necklace so I'll look "hip"....

I'm sick and tired of all these bitches. My standards are high and I refuse to lower them....I don't want some betwitted little slut, I want a Valkyrie.

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