Advice (22)

1 Name: St. George : 2006-05-02 20:02 ID:L58se3cR

Do more. Think less.

This is a simple, bet effective formula.

1.,Be active. Sports for example. Run, pump iron, play team games anything! Just lift your ass and sweat! At leat an hour a day but 2 hours would be the best!
Then learn, read, write, paint, collect. Do not stop, keep going. Then eat, wash and go to bed.

This all leads us to phase 2.

2., Think less. Now if phase 1 is completed properly than your ass is too weak to think. And if all that "life sucks, I wanna die caus' I'm a biological abomination" thing kicks in, then you shall respond to it in the normal fashion. "Damn I'm tired ,fuck that shit." If this goes on long enough your emotional, pardon me for the word, infantility will diminish. Not forever and entirelly. But if you work really, and I do mean "really" hard then you will gain a stable emotional base.

And if you think about it, from there on nothing can go wrong.
Or "fatally" wrong, at least.

Now you might wonder. Why is this guy writng all this? What is this thread about?
Well it is what it's called. ADVICE. Becaus only one sort of person writes in Love & Romance.

I hope I don't need to spell it out for you.


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