Intelligent Females? (37)

11 Name: 電気男 : 2006-05-04 04:37 ID:fY4CfvfB

The problem starts at the middle school and high school education level. At that point, many women are interested in science and math, but insecure and foolish male teachers, as well as very unintelligent mothers tainted by the same program, discourage them overtime, and this is why there are so few of them, at least in the engineering program. I'm a EE student and have found, surprisingly, that the women in my program are not only extremely smart, but fairly attractive as well. Of course, most of them all have business major lazy ass boyfriends, which sucks for us. Point is, our country's (yes I'm being a haughty american here assuming you're from the US) pre-collegiate educational system is inadequate, which explains why the ratio of men to women is 31:1 in engineering, 1:3 in business or humanities. INterestingly enough, quite a few of the women at my college are biology or chemistry majors....

There are movements to help change this system, so that more women join us in the engineering and math world. Trouble is, you really have to want to do it, and most of them get weeded out considering how hard it is. Women and men are no different in this regard.

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